Solidarité UKRAINE

Solidarité UKRAINE

Alphabetville propose depuis l’année 2013 un programme de micro-résidences, ou résidences de courte durée, à des auteurs, chercheurs et artistes invités, dans un processus de recherche et de création personnels autant que d’inscription dans le territoire et auprès des publics et des professionnels.


Alphabetville, a non-profit organization based in Marseille, France, proposes each year some short residencies for poets, writers, artists, researchers, involved in a research or a creation process.

A short time for projects to merge, for the public to meet the artists and for the artists to meet the realities of the territory.


Propositions are discussed with the artistic direction in order to sustain the project in the best way.


This year the organization decides to propose two residencies to ukrainian community.


Conditions : accomodation, train travel from France, amount of the support 1000 euros VAT

Contact :

Website : and





Others initiatives for ukrainian artsists and cultural workers collected by our french-american partner Leonardo, network and observatory for arts, science and technology :





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