Videovortex III

Videovortex III

Inside the Youtube decade

Edited by Geert Lovink and Andreas Treske
INC Reader #14
Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam 2020

The contributions here in respond to a broad range of emerging and urgent topics, from bias in YouTube’s algorithms, to the use of video in messaging, image theory, the rise of deepfakes, a reconsideration of the history of video art, a reflection on the continuing role and influence of music video, indy servers, synthetic intimacies, love and sadness, artist videos, online video theory in the age of platform capitalism, video as online activism, and the rise of streaming

Contributors : Annie Abrahams, Ina Blom, Natalie Bookchin, Pablo deSoto, Ben Grosser, Adnan Hadzi, Judit Kis, Patricia G. Lange, Hang Li, Patrick Lichty, Geert Lovink, Gabriel Menotti, Sabine Niederer, Dan Oki, Aras Ozgun, Daniel Pinheiro, Rahee Punyashloka, Oliver Lenore Schultz, Peter Snowdon, Andreas Treske, Colette Tron, Jack Wilson, Dino Ge Zhang.

See and download it here, as e-pub, pdf or print-on-demand (via Lulu) :…

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